Has a baby; starts a blog. Groundbreaking I know. (I can feel Miranda Priestly’s eye-roll from here in Hong Kong). But this isn’t so much about having a baby as it is about trying not to lose myself in having a baby. I think.
Parenthood is a fascinating paradox. I enjoy it the most when I completely surrender to it; and I’m frustrated by it the most when I battle to be my own person and do my own things – and yet that’s exactly what I keep fighting to do and be. A part of me wants to dive in so deep and just relish all the tiny moments with my tiny human and maybe just see who am I when I come up to breathe again, some other time, whilst simultaneously grasping at every rock and every branch from the bank in a tiring attempt at holding on to who I was, or thought I was, or maybe just who I let the world see me as. Tiny humans have a way of making you really think about all that you are, all that your life currently is and what you wish it to be. They’re paradigm shifters. They’re a big, fat pause button.
So this blog is the raft I’m choosing to get on. I’m letting go of those branches (holding on to the past never does us much good, and I’m here to be brave), I’m embracing that current and surrendering to the direction this life-river is flowing, but I’m not going under. I’m steering it, I’m navigating. Hell, I’m enjoying the view on the way. Motherhood is part of my adventure story now, but I’m still the captain.
And as I navigate through, I’m inviting you to join the conversation and hopefully a community. One of kindness, support and a dash of gin.